Technically, it means that the road will feel, process information, make decisions, communicate and take action. In this context, it concerns the surface of the road.
An intelligent road surface consists of sensors, the ability to process data as well as communication devices that provide a crucial complement to intelligent infrastructure and intelligent vehicles.
A sensitive road surface collects information about the road conditions and properties, which are only reliable if measured near the road surface.
At the same time, the movement and position of the vehicles, is of great interest, when they are on the road, when developing management systems to handle traffic as well as security/support systems for the users of the road.
LED Mark ITS … allways one step ahead
The iRoad project is a research collaboration between Lulelå University of Technology (LTU), LED-Mark ITS, Eistec and the Swedish Road Directorate (Swedish Road Administration).
The purpose of the project is to develop the necessary technology needed to achieve intelligent roads, that will lead to a more safe and efficient use of the roads.
The overall objective is to develop intelligent road markings based on solar energy through the integration of sensors, data collection, processors and communication devices in the road marking itself.
The project is beneficial for both road users and those who need to maintain it.
Another purpose of the iRoad research project is to create solutions to a technical platform that provides a self-sufficient and independent system, that can work with other intelligent infrastructure systems and intelligent vehicles.